National 9 places market price search can be "vegetable market"nSmartphone, you can also search and browse past of vegetables and fruit market.
全国9箇所の卸売市場の野菜・果物市況情報を提供しています。卸売市場から毎日最新情報が届き、お持ちのスマートフォンですぐに確認できるサービスです。過去のデータも検索・閲覧できます。(※2013年4月以降のデータより適用)農業・流通・販売などに関わる方におすすめのアプリです。全国9ケ所市況価格検索ができる「野菜市況」スマートフォンで、過去の野菜・果物市況も検索・閲覧できます。It offers vegetables and fruit market information of the wholesale market of the country nine.Will receive a daily up-to-date information from the wholesale market, it is a service that immediately can be confirmed in the smartphone you have.You can also search and browse historical data. (※ apply from 2013 since April data)This is a featured app for those involved in agriculture, distribution and sales.National 9 places market price search can be "vegetable market"Smartphone, you can also search and browse past of vegetables and fruit market.